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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Preparing for Easter

It has became tradition in our family to save eggs all year long and fill them with confetti for Easter.  Two weeks before Easter we all get together to decorate the eggs, fill them and seal them for the big day. Last year we had about 2,000 eggs and we had a blast! This year we only have about 1,000 eggs.  :(
Last Sunday we had all the kids together to decorate.  Kage worked really hard on one for about an hour.  He was so proud of himself!!  Xavier felt over worked because we had them decorate lots and lots of eggs.  I picked one of my favorites of Xavier's to take a picture of and the one Kage did.  You pick which one is which? 
More pictures to come of the wild and exciting day of cracking eggs on each other heads and the confetti mess that we make. 

Texhoma Baseball!!

Xavier is once again playing machine pitch.  He loves playing baseball and this year is extra special to him because Robert is coaching the team with Danny Neptune.  He has had two games so far and we are on a winning streak!! YAY!!!  Go Texhoma #1 team!  They had so many kids this year that they had to have two teams.  Both teams look really good this year. 

One of Xavier's greatest fans is Kage.  He wants to be out there playing with the big boys.  He steals all the equipment from the team and dresses up, ready to play.  He is so funny because he is so different than Xavier because at this age Xavier had no interest in sports but Kage he seems like he was born with sports on the brain. 

Next game I will be taking some pictures and will add some of Xavier in his zone. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ride 'Em Cowboy!!!

Kage received a rocking horse for Christmas from his Uncle Victor and his Mama.  At first he was a little afraid to ride the cool horse then one day he decided he wanted to be like Woody from Toy Story.  He began to ride his horse everyday with his rifle in his hand.  To cute to describe.  Then his Aunt Yesi found him a hat just like Woody.  So now forget it he is riding this horse all the time. 

The other night he was rocking back and forth so hard that he was bucked off the front.  It was soo funny!! He looked up at the horse like why did you do that.  He sat there for a few seconds and got up and got back on like a true cowboy!! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life is Moving Way to Fast!!

Yesterday I realized that these moments I have with my boys will be the last ones; since we have decided to not have any more children.  This is the last year Xavier will be on the Texas side school and in grade school.  He will be in the 5th grade next year.  I still remember the first day of Pre-K. 

Kage showed me after work yesterday that he can ride his tricycle.  I remember him learning how to crawl.  Maybe I am being emotional but "WOW" where does the time go??

Some days I am afraid to blink because I might miss to much of their lives.  I hope that everyday they know how much I love them. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dallas 1/2 Marathon

I ran my second 1/2 marathon last weekend.  It was so much fun!! I went with some great friends and excited to do it again with my girls! We were so excited to get there but afterwards we were all so ready to get home!!  And of course we were stuck in the airport for hours before we got home! I walked pretty funny for a couple of days but now I am back to normal and ready to start training again. 

Running is like giving birth to a baby; you say I will never do it again but then when all the soreness is gone you think aww I want another one. 

Thanks Girls I had a blast!!!

My Family!

God has blessed me with three wonderful boys in my life.  Robert and I have been married 14 years and will be celebrating our 15th Anniversary in July this year.  In 2001 God blessed us with our first born, Xavier David Teel.  Xavier has been a joy to watch grow up!  He enjoys to play golf, basketball, baseball and of course the X-Box!  In 2008 Xavier's world was turned upside down when our family was blessed with Kage Elias Teel! Kage loves his big brother!  He wants to go everywhere his "Bobo" is, and that sometimes is too much for Xavier to handle.

So this is my family, I love them all with all my heart and thank God everyday for them!