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Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

We were blessed with a great Christmas!  A little exhausting but overall pretty good.  God has been great to us this year and we have so many things to be greatful for.  I would like to take moment and say Thank you God for all the blessings you have given my family!!

On Christmas eve, Xavier was so excited he did not sleep very much.  He started to go to bed from 8:30 and got up at 9 and said I can't sleep.  Then at 10 he decided he would try again.  We didn't hear from him again until like 1am, he was in our room telling us he couldn't sleep.  We had him lay down with Kage and he finally slept until about 6:30am and from then on he didnt sleep anymore.  And guess what neither did mom and dad!!!

He has always been so much fun for Christmas.  He writes the sweetest letter to Santa with Santa cookies and drink.  And Santa always takes the time to write back to him when he comes to our house.  He never opens any of his gifts without reading his letter from Santa.  It is so sweet!!!

Before Santa
After Santa

Kage loved his jeep!!  He said HOHO brought him the bestest toy.  He is a huge Angry Bird fan and the Law family gave him a huge angry bird pig.  He rides around in his jeep and his pig.  It is too funny because they barely fit in there together.

Xavier was so surprised with all his gifts because he made his first list for Santa and then he changed his mind and wrote a different letter.  Santa brought some of the things from his 1st list he couldn't understand how Santa knew what was on that list!!!  Santa is magical!!

We had a great day with family!!  I feel so blessed with my family and love all of them dearly!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Can't wait for Christmas!!

My boys are so excited about Christmas.  Kage watches TV and wants everything on it and Xavier he has made 2 different letters to Santa.  He cannot make up his mind what he wants.  I enjoy watching them getting excited for Santa to come!! 


We just love Halloween around here.  My boys get so excited and I enjoy taking them around town.  This year Xavier went with his friends and left Kage and I all alone.  :-(  I thought I had a couple of more years before he would go with his friends and not with me.  He is getting so big!! I'm glad he had fun with his friends!
My little Bevo and Papa Smurf!!
Cutest trick or treaters in town!!!  

Kage with his buddy Ethan!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Run Like You Got a Pair!!

On August 21st, we ran our next half marathon in Vail Colorado.  We had a great time!!!  I sure missed Jena being there cause I forgot to drink like I should of to prepare for the run.  I was so thirsty from the beginning of the run to the end!!  I got so bad by the 10th mile I was watching everyone just looking for something to drink.  I was thinking the whole time if I see someone with some water I will ask them for it!!  I even went to desperate measures and drank out of someone else's water pack.  Note to self: DRINK, DRINK DRINK!!

The metal was well worth it! It was the coolest one yet!!!

The travel back to the airport was crazy!!!  We barely made it to our flight, they were closing the doors to the plane when we got there.  It was NUTS!!! I have never ran thru an airport like a maniac before and hope to never have to do it again.  Thanks to all the people in the airport that helped us out and poor Cindy that drove like a maniac to get us there.  And no thanks to the traffic between Vail and Denver. 

Once again girls thanks for a memorable trip and can't wait to do it again!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

5th Grader

Xavier is an official 5th grader this year!!  He is so excited about this year.  He is already talking about having straight A's in school.  OMG, that is music to my ears!!  Mom and Dad better start saving for the laptop he wants.  We have promised him a laptop if he got straight A's in school. He has always sad he would never be able to get it and now he is very optimistic with Mrs. Freeman.  I don't know what she does but THANK YOU!!!
He has signed up for football, basketball, and track.  It will be a fun year!! 
Good luck Xavier!!! Enjoy your year and always remember WE LOVE YOU and ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!
The excitement of the first day of school!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

15 Years

We made it!!!  Robert and I have been married 15 years this week.  Many thought it was not possible and to be honest there was times I didn't think it was possible.  ;-)  But I have enjoyed watching our marriage grow and watch what we have accomplished as a team.  We have two beautiful boys that God blessed us with and at times it was a huge battle for us.  I knew how much Robert loved me then when he supported me and watched me struggle with the difficulties of conceiving these precious jewels we have now. 
We are like night and day but all I can say is I love him and respect him!!  He has brought me so much joy in my life!!  I love you babe!!!  Till death do us part!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ruidoso, NM

Robert and I were invited to join the Law family to Ruidoso to celebrate Scott's 40th Birthday.  We were so excited to go and we were not disappointed.  We had a BLAST!!!  Thanks guys for inviting us!! We love you long time!!!  jaja
I found my new passion!! HORSE RACES!!! OMG, I have never felt my blood pump like it did watching those horses come around the corner.  At first I just watched and then I started to bid. Once you bid man the rush is even better.  I did pretty good picking horses and then at the end I got a little too confident.  I can't wait to go back!!
One of the winning horses and the jockey!!

Baseball Season

Baseball Season ended last week!!  We had a great time but I sure was glad to see it come to an end.  I enjoy watching Xavier play but man o man it was sooo hot!! 
They finished the season with a tie for 1st in machine pitch and 3rd place in minor league.  He had a great time and Coach Neptune is great with the kids!!! Robert coached this year for the first time and he really enjoyed it and hated to see the season end. 
We will have great memories!! '
1. Robert was hit by a bat in the wrong spot.  He really was hurting but kept on going to  finish the game.  It was really funny because Geo didn't even realize he did it. 
2. We normally had two extra passengers to the games.  Andy and Juan they made us laugh all the way up there and back.  Andy did not like Robert's music and he was very vocal about it.  (Poor Robert, no one likes his 1920 music)
3. Kage got so excited to go and loved playing with all the kids there at the field. 
Overall the season was a succes!!

Xavier getting ready to hit the ball

Kage enjoying talking with new friends!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

He Has Risen! Happy Easter!

I know this is a little late but I promised new pictures of our fun day!  We started with a normal egg hunt for all the little ones and then the fun began for all ages!
He was so proud of his prize egg.  The egg had some candy and $7.00. 

Kage was also lucky enough to find a prize egg! 

Then the fun began with the confetti eggs.  No one except Robert came out safe!  We all had confetti and silly string all over us.  He pretended to be cooking so he was saved. 

Crystal and Brizzette (Look behind them and you can see the mess we had!)
Uncle Chalo getting Xavier!  Xavier thought he was safe by wearing a cap.  HAHA!

Kage was getting out of the way. He didn't think cracking eggs on each others head was very funny!! He became very protective of his mommy when they would hit me he would cry and say stop.  AWW!! My sweet baby protecting me. 

We all had fun and enjoyed being with family and friends!  Most importantly we thank Jesus for giving his life to save ours!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Preparing for Easter

It has became tradition in our family to save eggs all year long and fill them with confetti for Easter.  Two weeks before Easter we all get together to decorate the eggs, fill them and seal them for the big day. Last year we had about 2,000 eggs and we had a blast! This year we only have about 1,000 eggs.  :(
Last Sunday we had all the kids together to decorate.  Kage worked really hard on one for about an hour.  He was so proud of himself!!  Xavier felt over worked because we had them decorate lots and lots of eggs.  I picked one of my favorites of Xavier's to take a picture of and the one Kage did.  You pick which one is which? 
More pictures to come of the wild and exciting day of cracking eggs on each other heads and the confetti mess that we make. 

Texhoma Baseball!!

Xavier is once again playing machine pitch.  He loves playing baseball and this year is extra special to him because Robert is coaching the team with Danny Neptune.  He has had two games so far and we are on a winning streak!! YAY!!!  Go Texhoma #1 team!  They had so many kids this year that they had to have two teams.  Both teams look really good this year. 

One of Xavier's greatest fans is Kage.  He wants to be out there playing with the big boys.  He steals all the equipment from the team and dresses up, ready to play.  He is so funny because he is so different than Xavier because at this age Xavier had no interest in sports but Kage he seems like he was born with sports on the brain. 

Next game I will be taking some pictures and will add some of Xavier in his zone. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ride 'Em Cowboy!!!

Kage received a rocking horse for Christmas from his Uncle Victor and his Mama.  At first he was a little afraid to ride the cool horse then one day he decided he wanted to be like Woody from Toy Story.  He began to ride his horse everyday with his rifle in his hand.  To cute to describe.  Then his Aunt Yesi found him a hat just like Woody.  So now forget it he is riding this horse all the time. 

The other night he was rocking back and forth so hard that he was bucked off the front.  It was soo funny!! He looked up at the horse like why did you do that.  He sat there for a few seconds and got up and got back on like a true cowboy!! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life is Moving Way to Fast!!

Yesterday I realized that these moments I have with my boys will be the last ones; since we have decided to not have any more children.  This is the last year Xavier will be on the Texas side school and in grade school.  He will be in the 5th grade next year.  I still remember the first day of Pre-K. 

Kage showed me after work yesterday that he can ride his tricycle.  I remember him learning how to crawl.  Maybe I am being emotional but "WOW" where does the time go??

Some days I am afraid to blink because I might miss to much of their lives.  I hope that everyday they know how much I love them. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dallas 1/2 Marathon

I ran my second 1/2 marathon last weekend.  It was so much fun!! I went with some great friends and excited to do it again with my girls! We were so excited to get there but afterwards we were all so ready to get home!!  And of course we were stuck in the airport for hours before we got home! I walked pretty funny for a couple of days but now I am back to normal and ready to start training again. 

Running is like giving birth to a baby; you say I will never do it again but then when all the soreness is gone you think aww I want another one. 

Thanks Girls I had a blast!!!

My Family!

God has blessed me with three wonderful boys in my life.  Robert and I have been married 14 years and will be celebrating our 15th Anniversary in July this year.  In 2001 God blessed us with our first born, Xavier David Teel.  Xavier has been a joy to watch grow up!  He enjoys to play golf, basketball, baseball and of course the X-Box!  In 2008 Xavier's world was turned upside down when our family was blessed with Kage Elias Teel! Kage loves his big brother!  He wants to go everywhere his "Bobo" is, and that sometimes is too much for Xavier to handle.

So this is my family, I love them all with all my heart and thank God everyday for them!